TCL Carte bancaire

The TCL Carte bancaire service allows you to pay and validate with your card or smart device on board, as if it was a transport ticket. 

How does it work ?

  1. On any TCL network vehicle, tap your card or smart device (smartphone or watch with NFC feature activated) on the red terminal
  2. The message "Voyage validé" (Trip validated") appears. You can then ride the TCL network for 1 hour. Each time you board, tap your card on the terminal
  3. You will be debited the next day, based on your use.

Just board and tap

The daily price is based on how many trips you take

  • 1 trip = € 2,10 (unlimited trips on the TCL network for 1 hour, including connections)
  • If a user takes more than 3 trips in a day, the maximum cost is € 6,90. 

Ticket control
If asked, simply show your card to the ticket inspector.

Travelling in group
The multi-person validation is currently unavailable. 

Credit cards 

Image cartes bancaires

All CB, MASTERCARD and VISA are accepted
It is also possible to tap your smart device as GooglePay, ApplePay, SamsungPay,...with NFC feature activated.

Parc and ride

Entrance to Park & Ride facilities does not require validation. To exit, simply present your bank card (or connected object) validated during the day at the exit terminals.

Do you want a proof of payment or to view your trip log ?

  1. Create your customer account 
  2. Add your credit card on the tab "Supports"
  3. View your trip log on the tab "Déplacements"
  4. Download your proof of payment on the tab "Règlements"


Discover TCL Credit card

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us !

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